Streamline Your Blogging Journey with Strategic AI Planning

Keyword Discovery Simplified with AI

Without monthly subscription

How it works

Unlock the full potential of your blog with our streamlined process.


Provide Product Description and Target Audience


Verify & Correct AI Generated Keywords


Generate Content Plan and Schedule on Calender

Generate High Ranking Keywords using AI

Harness the power of artificial intelligence to boost your blogs search engine visibility. Our tool intelligently analyzes trends and search patterns to recommend high-impact SEO keywords tailored to your content, ensuring your blog stands out and reaches the audience it deserves.

Plan and Schedule Content for your blog with AI

Streamline your editorial calendar with our AI-driven content scheduler. From suggesting the optimal posting times to forecasting topic relevance, our system not only helps you plan but also strategically schedules your content, allowing you to publish with precision and keep your readers engaged.


Basic Package


1,000 Credits

Standard Package


2,500 Credits



5,000 Credits